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Once again another great year of presentations at an RSOL conference. Watched a few so far and will eventually get through the rest.

One thing I want to comment on specifically is the Emily Horowitz presentation. Its good to know that people such as Emily are starting to ask tough questions about the underlying foundations of public opinion and private/government research if and where it exists regarding how sex offense legislation was justified then codified into federal and state laws. Additionally the major admission to there being extremely uncomfortable/taboo issues surrounding human sexual development, exploration, age of consent, nudity, and conflicting, but constantly pushed messages about sex, sexy, personal agency, moral verses immoral thoughts, innocent non harmful behavior verses abuse, trauma, and exploitation, the whole concept of victims and offenders.

Sexual matters can be uncomfortable to discuss in of themselves and when venturing into deeper or darker territory many things are simply not up for discussion except in limited circumstances which end up being of a narrow range that lacks critical details. Every registrant out there has the potential somewhere in their lives to reveal everything they know. I am not talking about being registered, what treatment was/is like, the experience of parole, probation, or supervised release, prison, jail, or the whole legal process leading up to all those things. No I am talking about each person’s actual experiences with whatever it was that you did or were accused of doing. Not oh I touched this person, raped those people, looked at naked images of these individuals, distributed videos of this, got drunk and did blah blah, but really going into intimate details. Thought processes, feelings, goals, interactions with others or lack thereof, comments, questions, concerns, things learned about oneself before, during, and after, things learned about anyone else involved, and so on. Basically everything nobody wants all the information on because its too offensive or inappropriate or not even thought about as relevant. Truthful information is incredibly powerful and I believe, no, I know that others are keeping certain facts hidden from the world or simply those closest because many people are not ready to think about such things let alone talk about them candidly.

Here are three examples of specifics I won’t bring up until I know others are ready to think about them and get warmed up to maybe having a civil dialogue one day.

1. What I specifically was looking for. Unlike most people who have been convicted of possessing child pornography I didn’t seek out the materials I downloaded for sexual reasons. Very briefly I have mentioned hints regarding my intent to those who would be most interested and so far no one has asked the right questions for me to respond to.

2. My discoveries in looking at what I did, gaining access to where I did, and everything else learned that I can’t unlearn. For example I know a few facts about the types of content under the child pornography umbrella that aren’t ever mentioned in main stream stories or reports. One face specifically is the historical likelihood of who would produce one type of content over another. By type I mean the range of activity that a given producer would depict. Crucial differences existed and exist between say an individual creating content merely depicting others, verses a company, verses self created material. The worst of the worst stuff probably doesn’t mostly originate from where most people think. And there are huge implications for the realities of human trafficking/sex slavery as a result.

3. The importance of something in my case that was legal and was my starting point and if things had turned out differently the basis upon which I was going to begin a global world improving movement. See my ah ha moment was not “oh no what have I seen” it was “oh wow I can’t believe nobody else has brought attention to this before”. One person made me do a double take and later three people gave me the real feeling that important sub surface stuff was being completely missed, ignored, or avoided.

Thanks for the awesome videos and fighting for those at a disadvantage.

Very good videos. Thank you for posting them!